Wednesday, 25 June 2008

26 weeks old - 6 months!! and our first holiday

Lord Belborough and Brackett may well have thought that time flies by when you're the driver of a train (there's a test for you...), but I bet they didn't figure on how fast time flies when you're a pair of twins in PB.

6 months already - and only a few scars to show for it.

This week to celebrate our anniversary (we don't know the word for a half yearly celebration) M+D took us to Brighton on holiday.

We met loads of M+D's friends (Marv Jo Rosie & George, Lara, Katie & Lyla, Paul, Michelle, Darren Sophie & Charlie, and our cousins Fiona Eric Louis & Samuel) but one of the highlights was having our photos taken by Dad's mate Paul, who is a professional photographer (check out his website at blueturtlestudio)

here's a selection of his handiwork:

And to finish off - here's two of our shots:

From Dad "Confusious say: Yes it will frickin fit":

From Mum: "Supersonic ducks":

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