Saturday, 10 January 2009

11 months old - Joe pushes Evie around

There's two ways to look at this:
1) Joe is just like his old man - ever the gentleman and wouldn't want for Evie to get tired in the kitchen
2) Evie is just like her mum - can get her man to do just about anything.

we'll let you decide:

Now, we've told you all before how much we like food - the taste, the colour, the smell....

What we didn't realise is that you can also wear it! And if M+D aren't feeding us off a spoon (sometimes they give up if we flap our arms around loads or spit in their faces) we can self-applicate using our hands.

Here's Evie experimenting with a new sweet potato fake-tan face pack:

She's already had some interest from David 'The Duke' Dickinson from "Bargain Hunt"

And here's Joe getting ready for next Halloween:

Finally this month, Joe has been getting bored of using grunts to get his message across, so he's experimenting with some body language to see if it's any more effective:

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